Voluntary Initiative
Voluntary Initiative: A five-year program of measures aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of crop protection products. Implementing the Voluntary Initiative can improve environmental sustainability on the farm.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
Voluntary Initiative: A five-year program of measures aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of crop protection products. Implementing the Voluntary Initiative can improve environmental sustainability on the farm.
vitamin B complex: A group of vitamins which are soluble in water, including folic acid, pyridoxine, and riboflavin. Ensuring adequate intake of the vitamin B complex can improve energy metabolism and overall health in livestock.
Veterinary Medicines Directorate: An executive agency of Defra which regulates the development and use of veterinary medicines. The VMD ensures the safe and effective use of veterinary medicines, protecting animal health.
viviparous: Referring to an animal such as a mammal or some fish that give birth to live young. Understanding viviparous reproduction can improve livestock breeding and productivity.
vertical-looking radar: Radar equipment used for analysis of features such as insect populations and movement. Using vertical-looking radar can improve pest management and protect crops.
viral strike: Any apparently new virus disease, borne by wind or vectors, which travels through a wide area causing devastating effects for a time, especially in large livestock units. Early detection and management of viral strikes can prevent widespread losses and protect farm profitability.
vitamin B6: A vitamin found in meat, cereals, and molasses. Adequate vitamin B6 intake can improve protein metabolism and overall health in livestock.
vertical farming: A method of growing crops in vertically stacked layers. Vertical farming maximizes space use and can be practiced in urban areas.
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