wheat: A cereal crop grown in temperate regions. Genus: Triticum. Wheat is one of the major arable crops. Growing wheat can provide a staple food product and a reliable income stream for farmers.
Tractor and Farm Equipment Repair
wholegrain: A cereal grain containing the whole of the original seed, including the bran. Growing and selling wholegrain products can provide a nutritious food option and a profitable market for farmers.
Wiltshire cure: The Wiltshire cure is a method of mild curing and smoking sides of bacon over wood fires. Farmers producing pork can use this technique to add value to their products and meet consumer demand for high-quality cured meats.
winter kill: Winter kill refers to the death of plants during winter. Farmers need to choose resilient crop varieties and implement protective measures to minimize winter kill.
winter hardy: Winter hardy refers to plants that can survive outside during winter. Choosing winter-hardy crops ensures farmers have viable plants ready for growth in the spring.
white lupin: A new strain of lupin (Lupinus albus) that is able to withstand cold. Seeds are 40% protein and at least 12% edible oil. Growing white lupins can provide a high-protein feed source and a valuable crop for cold regions.
water table: The area below the soil surface at which the ground is saturated with water. Managing the water table can prevent soil degradation and improve crop health.
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